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Investigation of Potential Added Value of DDMRP in Planning Under Uncertainty at Finite Capacity

A major research project through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) "investigated how Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) operates in a capacity constrained environment. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study proves that DDMRP increases service levels and reduces both inventory levels and customer order lead times. The financial impact of these results combined with the competitive advantage derived from the improved service gives DDMRP the potential to be a game-changer in supply chain planning."

Full Report
Executive Summary

MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Leo Ducrot, Research Lead

Research lead Leo Ducrot presents the results of an extensive study on DDMRP from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.).  The project investigated how Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) operates in a capacity constrained environment. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study proves that DDMRP increases service levels and reduces both inventory levels and customer order lead times.


Material Management Without Forecasting: From MRP to Demand Driven MRP

2018 PhD level research makes a very compelling case for DDMRP. In this paper a group from Mondragon University including Alaitz Kortabarria Igartua, Unai Apaolaza Perez de Eulate, Aitor Lizarralde Aiastui and Itxaso Amorrortu analyzed the performance of three companies after converting from MRP to DDMRP, and the impact of this process on competitive advantage. The research is published in the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management:


Challenging the Demand Driven MRP Promises : A Discrete Event Simulation Approach

In December 2016, Romain MICLO presented the first European thesis on DDMRP, in front of a prestigious comittee, featuring Carol Ptak (Demand Driven Institute), Steven Melnyk (Michigan State University), Pierre Baptiste (Polytechnique Montréal), and Patrick Burlat (Wipsim SAS). The video is available on Youtube with English subtitles.  The entire PhD thesis is available here:

[Run Time (Min.): 0:36:56]

In June of 2017, Dr. Miclo presented the findings at Demand Driven World 2017.  Download Presentation.

[Run Time (Min.): 0:28:51]

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